Thursday 10 April 2014

Design Process.

Before going ahead and creating our magazine advert and digipak we went  through a design process in which Faye experimented with different designs for our magazine advert. Faye firstly looked at Little mix's previous albums and adverts to see the types of colours and fonts they commonly used. From this research we will then decide on what we will use to create our own. Faye's research is embedded below:

Above you can see that I experimented with many different fonts which I believed followed Little mix's typical typology. We decided on using the fifth text down as we believe that it portrays Little Mix's girly side and highlights that this is a female dominated band. We wanted to keep true to their style and origins.
Above we decided on the image we would like to use of our magazine advert , I then went on to experiment with edit this image multiple times on Photoshop. I experimented with different colours and layouts , we decided as a group the use of the gradient would be more beneficial and professional. The last image embedded on here if the one we have chosen to use for our final advert.

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