Thursday 10 April 2014

Analysis Of Digipak's Created By Different Artists.

Before we create our digipak for our artist, research into different types of digipaks was needed. Group member Kala conducted research of digipak's created by artists of the Pop genre, as this is what we aim for when creating our Little Mix digipak. The research Kala completed is embedded below:

We each individualy analysed various digipak cover to help us start our progress to me creating our digipak.

Me and Georgia looked at Rihanna's "LOUD" digipak cover and analysed the aspects used though out it.
The typical conventions of album digipaks are to have an image of the artist, another convention would be to have the name of the artist and the album presented on the front, For example Rihanna's LOUD digipak has a close up of her face pulling a seductive facial expression, on the front panel with her name and the album name written at the top and bottom of the image. Another prominent convention is that the artists are displayed on the inside and outside, forming a 6 panel digipak in this case, you can create 4 panel digipaks as well. This digipak includes pockets for the CD's and a booklet which include lyrics from tracks on the album.
  The images of Rihanna in her digipak are very sexualised, this is appropriate for her album as it represents her genre of music. The provocative nature is also what will attract her target audience of teenage boys and girls. The photographs used are also clearly edited using photoshop, things such as her skin being perfectly airbrushed and flawless, this is a typical convention for pop music artists as they need to achieve the "perfect" appearance. The colours have also been edited, the red is very bright and vibrant, this colour also insinuates passion, lust and a sexual atmosphere and this colour is a star motif of this artist.
  The typography on her album was carefully chosen the title of the album in capital letters which connotes with the name of the album being LOUD, the artist name is also in capital letter to emphasis the importance of her name, however the font is quiet delicate which prevents the text distracting the consumer from the imagery.

Faye researched into another Rihanna digipak called "Talk that talk" this enables me to compare the two different digipak's from the same pop artist and pick out the most common conventional aspects of a successful digipak cover.

Initially the first typical conventions on this digipak was the use of pictures of Rihanna. It is a typical 6 panel digipak, which had a variety of imagery of the artist Rihanna, secondly having the title of the album placed on the front is a very typical convention of a pop music digipak, along with including; the track list, production company and barcode.
  The imagery on this digipak is a very dominant aspect. These images have captured Rihanna's star motifs, she is typically seen in a provocative and sexual nature. This is apparent in these images as she is showing quiet a lot of skin and is sitting in a sexual manor e.g with her legs open. In addition to the sexuality of the images, having her mouth open in one of the images may be a reference to the title of the album "Talk that talk"
  A lot of the editing has been shown through the images. All of these have a black and white filter, and certain aspects of Rihanna has been brightened e.g her leg this draws the audiences attention to these area and appeals to the male gaze.

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