Tuesday 19 November 2013

Copyright Permission Letter.

The next step in our process of completing our advanced portfolio we have completed a copyright permission letter, stating to the company who create and produce Little Mix's music that we would like to use the music asked for, Move by Little Mix for educational purposes, in this case our music video. It will impact our video as we will legally have the music we need in order to make our music video.                                                                                                                                                  

Faye Curry
138 Whitethorn Avenue
West Drayton

Monday 11th November 2013

Sony Music Entertainment
9 Derry Street
W8 5HY

Dear Mr. Morris,
                            Our names are Faye Curry, Kala Hill and Georgia Pearce and we are currently studying A-level media at Swakeleys Sixth Form. Part of our coursework is to create a music video and we would love to use a song by Little Mix, which are one of your artists that you represent. Therefore we are writing to ask for your permission to use their most recent song ‘Move’ as a backing track for our project.

This video will be for educational purposes only and we will not be gaining any credit from it; all copyright credit will go to Sony Music Entertainment. In order for our work to be moderated the video will need to remain online for three months. After this period the video can be removed if there is an issue. Additionally we are able to make a hard copy of our video, which will be sent straight to the moderator and will thus not be publicised if there is any concern over the use of the song in question.

Yours Faithfully,

Faye Curry                                   Kala Hill                                Georgia Pearce          

Understanding Of Copyright:

I have learnt that it is important to protect media such as films/songs etc to prevent any acts of piracy and ensure that all work is original and not a copy of anybody else's material. It is essential that we ask permission from Sony Music because we are not the original creators of the music we wish to use and we must be seen as asking for this permission to use a certain song, to ensure the original artist gains all credibility and funds for the song we are asking to use.

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