Friday 4 October 2013

Audience Research.

In discovering our target audience, we needed to collate information on the demographics and psychographics of our potential audience. Below is our presentation on audience demographics and psychographics we feel will be most suitable, created by myself.

The image below was created by group member Faye Curry using Polyvore to establish the clothing interests of our targeted audience. Main items include brightly coloured clothes, Converse, bows, flower crowns, skinny jeans and prints such as the American flag and comic print.

This information will be used to determine our audience when researching further and making our music video.

Group member Kala Hill researched further into artists, focusing on Little Mix and The Saturdays.
These are her findings;

The Saturdays "Disco Love":
It highly represents typical pop conventions. It denotes all the group members having fun, going on a day trip out together through all the different eras of disco. They are all wearing very girly outfits that are stylish and relevant to the era they are in, following a story line. Lots of dancers and extras are involved in the video but The Saturdays are always the main focus through out the video as they are singing the song. The camera shots dominate in close ups of members and wide shots of dancers in the scene.

Little Mix "How Ya Doin'?":
This music video has many outfit changes and shot changes and uses bright and vibrant colours throughout. It's a very pop conventional music video, starting off with the group members in a room getting ready together. They then have shots of each member in a different room, Jesy and Perrie in a black and white striped room and Jade and Leigh-Anne in a pink and yellow room with neon lights. They then have a dance scene towards the end of the song with extras dancing a routine with them, the room has bright UV lights. The rooms are very bright and eye catching, matching up with their outfits and portraying the song as a typical, fun pop song.

This information will benefit us when we begin to create a music video that will suit our target audience.


We then gathered suitable questions based on our preliminary research into potential audiences for our video. Group member Faye Curry then created an online survey on Survey Monkey, publishing a link so we can collate responses from people taking our survey. The web link is below.

Results Analysis:
Below is a video of our results analysis, screen recorded by Faye Curry and voice recorded by myself.

We completed and analysed our survey to determine a solid category of our target audience. From the summary, I have learnt that our target audience will be teenage girls aged 17 to 18 who are part time employed or unemployed, who are in full time education. They prefer the pop genre of music and listen to Capital FM Radio. They buy in shops such as Primark, River Island and New Look and so we will style our artist in that style of costume when shooting and creating the video.

Breakdown Of Audience:
Below is a GoAnimate Video created by Faye Curry of our ideal targeted audience, drawn from our results.Questionnaire results by fayecurry5 on GoAnimate

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